George H. McVey: Profile

George McVey always wanted to be a superhero; sadly, no radioactive storms or animals have been a part of his life. One day, while spinning a tall tale for his family, some suggested once again that with all his experiences and his imagination, he should write books. This time it was like lightning struck him and he decided, why not?
Since then, George has been hard at work using his creative imagination and writing several books. He's still adding to his bibliography to this day. You can find them all on his page. George lives with his wife of 36 years, Sheri.I f you ever come to visit him, you will probably find him sitting in his lazy boy recliner or at his desk working on some writing project. If he isn't doing either of those, then he is asleep or eating, his other two favorite pastimes.
You can reach him by email at
You can also connect with George on Facebook at his author page